I love unique treat holders, and this one is one of my favourites. The self-closing feature makes it fun for anyone who get it. The beauty of this one is that you can customize it to any size you want, and can make it have as many sides as you would like. The important thing to remember if you are going to change up how many sides it has is that the mark you make at the top needs to be half-way between the score lines in order for it to close properly. So, if you are making a box where the score line is every 1 1/2″, simply put the mark at 3/4″, and score down from there.

I came across a similar tutorial a few years ago when I was looking for a unique treat holder for craft sales. The inspiration comes from Sam Donald, a UK Stampin’ Up! demonstrator.
This box might look small, but inside, there are 10 Lindt truffles. This would be a great surprise for a teacher, bus driver, coach, or anyone who needs a little bit of a pick-me-up.
I hope you enjoy this tutorial, and I would love to see you in my VIP group for even more crafty fun!
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