A little bit of ink and water for an instant wood burning look

I am incredibly lucky to be able to have a creative job. Making cards, sharing them with everyone, and teaching others the joy in making is so rewarding. But, even as someone who finds creativity relatively easy, there are times where I get stuck, and the ideas just don’t come.

So, what do you do when that happens? You can take a break (which I have done), or, you look to the world around you. I was inspired to create this card by my friend Stephanie. She recently did something similar, and I loved how it turned out.

Faux woodburning when you’re working with paper is SO much easier (and less chance of an actual fire). All you need are a few supplies to get the look. It is easier to get a really good impression and stamp the image multiple times with Stampin’ Up!’s Stamparatus, but if you’re careful, you can achieve the same result by stamping with a block. The first time I saw this technique was by a US demonstrator, France Martin. I decided it has been a while since I did the technique, so I pulled it out of the archives for my First Friday Free class.

The first Friday of every month, I go live in my VIP group to showcase a free mini class. I’d love to have you join us! As a special treat this month, I popped the video up on YouTube as well. Check it out! Let me know what you think by commenting below. <3 til next time!

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